Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What is CNC Controlling

Since we are dealing with machines that do work for us, we need to control those machines somehow. We need to control them for safety reasons as well. If you give a machine improper commands it can easily get out of control and cause harm to you or the part you are machining. We want to give good commands to our CNC machines, at the right times so they are not “out of control”.

The language that these machines use is called GCode G-code has been around since the early 60’s. There are a number of variations of G-code, but most are very similar to one another. See the previous section for a sample of G-Code.

We need a computer to interact with our CNC Router. Our computer will send signals to our CNC machine. In-between our computer and our CNC machine sits a controller. A controller converts commands into signals that are used to control the motion of our machine.

As these signals are sent out of the controller, they go to either stepper or servo motors. This is how we create motion. These cnc motors drive our various axis on our machine. While we are moving our axis, there is generally a cutting tool of some sort removing material. This is the machining process coupled with CNC.

Here is a brief description of the two types of motors generally used in CNC:
Stepper motors:
Simple design
Generate torque at low rpm
Do not know their position in relation to the program

Servo Motors:
Generate torque at high RPMs
Generally need gearing of some sort to be effective
More sophisticated
Can maintain their relative position, thus, they can be more accurate

CNC Machine Controls
Controllers generally stand alone near the CNC machine. They act as a translator between your cnc control computer and your machine. Generally, they add quite a bit of cost to a CNC machine as well. Controllers can cost anywhere from $1000-$20,000 or more depending on their sophistication.

CNC Community Site:
If you need more information about CNC, click over to You can join for Free and you get two free CNC ebooks. One is a GCode Quick Guide and the other is the CNC Info Site eBook. You also get access to the Free Video Series…Image to CNC Art when you join the community.

CNC Water Jet Basics and CNC Machines

CNC Water Jet Information has just been added to the website that already has plenty of CNC Information. In addition to all of that CNC Information, you will now find a complete page full of CNC Water Jet Cutting Information. Learn the basics of CNC Water Jet Cutting from A to Z by visiting this new Computer Numerical Control webpage on CNC Water Jet Cutting at: CNC Machines

Its very odd for one to think of a Computer Numerically Controlled Water Jet that is Cutting some sort of material or fabric. Usually, when a person thinks of cutting something, a Jet Stream of water doesn’t come to mind. However, Computer Numerically Controlled Water Jet Cutter is actually in use in a lot of industries today. You can find various articles that Ivan Irons has added to the webpage that talk about the different uses for having a Computer Numerically Controlled Water Jet in your shop. The CNC Water Jet website can be visited by clicking on this link: CNC Machine

Some of the reasons that a CNC Water Jet is used instead of another kind of machine is that is does a very good and precise job at cutting metals, glass, or fabric. The cutting that happens during the CNC Water Jet process is actually an abrasive cutting that happens by eroding the material away with the pressure of the Water Jet. Now its not just the water that cuts the object, usually there is another additive in the water that helps with the cutting. You can find more about CNC Water Jet Cutting by visiting Ivan’s dedicated webpage that is all about CNC Water Jet Cutting at: CNC Machines

About CNC Information: CNC Information is a community CNC website that brings user into a deeper understanding of CNC.

CNC Machines Including CNC Mill

CNC Mini Mill Basics have now been made available on CNC Information’s Website Category page. There you can find information on CNC Mini Machines of all types including CNC Mini Mill information and CNC Mini Lathe information. Since Computer Numerically Controlled machines have made their way into the home shops of Do-it-Yourself Hobbyist, a new market has come into play and they are called CNC Mini Machines. Just like their name says, these CNC Mini Machines are miniature versions of their older siblings. Since these Mini Machines are gaining popularity, Ivan has decided to make a complete page on this CNC Information website that is dedicated to Computer Numerically Controlled Mini Machines. A user can visit this new CNC Mini Machine site for free by visiting the following web address: CNC Mill

What is interesting about these CNC Mini Machines is that they make it possible for more and more people to get involved in Computer Numerical Control. Before, in order to get into the CNC Machine marketing, you had to have a signification time and financial investment, not to mention a separate garage or space that can be dedicated just to your CNC Lathe or CNC Mill. Read more at the CNC Mini Machine Page on Ivan’s website: CNC Mill

Now, with the new market for CNC Mini Machines, there is a lot less time, money, and space invested. Not to mention, the makers of these mini machines have made the learning curve a lot less steep than a curve for a large sized CNC Mill or CNC Lathe. This is such a unique market and Ivan has plenty of additional information on his website page that is dedicated to the CNC Mini Machines. Visit the Webpage at: CNC Mill for more information on CNC Mini Machines.

About CNC Information: CNC Information is a community CNC website that brings user into a deeper understanding of CNC.




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