Friday, April 13, 2007

CNC machine for turning, drilling, milling and grinding - Modern Equipment Review

The company recently introduced the Hardpoint 300, a CNC machine that combines turning, drilling, milling and grinding. It is a modular concept machine and can be configured with up to four main spindles and a variety of tooling combinations, depending on user needs. The machine can machine the front and rear faces of a single part; machine a single face on two parts simultaneously; machine the front and rear faces of two parts simultaneously; or machine a single face on four parts simultaneously.

The company says its product represents a flexible and economic machine concept for high-quality, complete machining of small components. The axes is variable, with up to ten possible. The machine offers fully automatic, synchronous complete cutting of complex workpiece geometries, up to a diameter of approximately 3" x 3" (80 mm x 80 mm).

The modular machine concept is said to ensure machining efficiency and flexibility. The various platforms are said to allow several cutting processes to be combined, thereby eliminating the need to operate multiple machines. The company says this reduces floor space requirements and operation costs. The machine incorporates an internal gantry loader. External loaders are also available as is a post-process measuring system.



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